There is more to the story. There are other investigators descending to the depths. There are new monsters being birthed from the sphere's roiling horrors. New chapters are creeping out... (continuer à lire)
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There is more to the story. There are other investigators descending to the depths. There are new monsters being birthed from the sphere's roiling horrors. New chapters are creeping out of the darkness, and the endless fresh nightmares are crouching in wait just out of sight.Endless Nightmares adds a whole new level to your Deep Madness experience. With three new standalone scenarios, six new investigators, nine new types of monsters, three new epic monsters and much more, Endless Nightmares will keep you submerged in Kadath's depths for countless hours to come. Journey once more below the ocean's surface. Step again into the uncharted night. They're ready for you. And they're so very hungry.
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chez Noble Knight Games
39,95 $US
24,00 USD
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