Can you thrive in the darkness or will you succumb to the light?
Dark Domains is a competitive game where 2-5 players vie to accumulate the most favor from the... (continuer à lire)
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Can you thrive in the darkness or will you succumb to the light?
Dark Domains is a competitive game where 2-5 players vie to accumulate the most favor from the Necromancer, represented in the game as evil tokens. Players are tasked with the objective of accruing these evil tokens through the play of buildings, monsters, spells and henchmen. To gain these tokens, players will need to gain wealth and purchase resources, but be warned! The Necromancer cares not for gold or trinkets. Only the darkness of your heart will win his favor.
Option d'achat
Acheter Dark Domains
chez Noble Knight Games
65,00 $US
60,00 USD
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