Cruel Necessity - The English Civil Wars, 1640-1653
Cruel Necessity, from designer John Welch, is a solitaire game simulating the military, political, and religious struggles of the English Civil Wars (1640-53). You attempt to stop the advance of... (continuer à lire)
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Cruel Necessity, from designer John Welch, is a solitaire game simulating the military, political, and religious struggles of the English Civil Wars (1640-53). You attempt to stop the advance of four armies bent on destroying Parliament and Puritanism, whom you represent; simply holding on to London is not enough!
There are civil wars going on not just in England, but in Scotland and Ireland too; and each will have varying impact on the play of the game at different times. You can also play Cruel Necessity cooperatively with a team of players working together and deciding how best to preserve and propagate the principles of the Enlightenment and Reformation.
The title comes from the purported response to the beheading of King Charles by his implacable foe, Oliver Cromwell, who remarked that this act of regicide was a “Cruel Necessity.”
Game Data:
Number of Players: 1 Ages: 13 and up Playing Time: Approximately 60 minutes for a single scenario (three included); approximately 3 ½ hours for the full Campaign Game Complexity: 5 on a 9 scale Solitaire Suitability: 9 on a 9 scale
What's In The Box?:
One full color 22-page Rulebook (Designer's Notes included)
One 22” x 17” paper game map (in sections)
One 11” x 17” Battle Display Mat
75 cards
98 thick, two-sided, multi-shaped game pieces
One 2-sided player aid
One blue (Parliamentary) 6-sided die
One red (Royalist) 6-sided die
One bright red, 9" x 11 7/8" Deluxe cardboard VPG game box
One beautiful box cover sleeve
One "Wipes-A-Lot" napkin
One charcoal desiccant packet
Option d'achat
Acheter Cruel Necessity - The English Civil Wars, 1640-1653
chez Noble Knight Games
45,00 $US
28,00 USD
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