Concordia - Solitaria Expansion

CONCORDIA SOLITARIA is a solo and 2-player expansion for Concordia.

In CONCORDIA SOLITARIA, you compete alone or in a team of two against the tricky opponent CONTRARIUS. As the cards... (continuer à lire)
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très positif, 89 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
60 minutes
Publié en
Rio Grande Games
1 à 2 joueurs
Mac Gerdts et Frank Lamprecht
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game, Hand Management, Card Game, Solo / Solitaire Game, Rio Grande Games, Deck, Bag, and Pool Building et Economic
Concordia - Solitaria Expansion preview image


CONCORDIA SOLITARIA is a solo and 2-player expansion for Concordia.

In CONCORDIA SOLITARIA, you compete alone or in a team of two against the tricky opponent CONTRARIUS. As the cards you play also determine the reactions of your adversary, only skillful planning leads to victory. In a two-player game, you may compete against CONTRARIUS as a cooperative team or challenge it individually.

CONCORDIA SOLITARIA may be played on any of the maps and with any other expansion for CONCORDIA.

Requires either the base game CONCORDIA or CONCORDIA VENUS to play.

Option d'achat

Acheter Concordia - Solitaria Expansion
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

24,95 USD
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Catégories du jeu

Jeux avec Hand Management

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