History of the Ancient Seas I - HELLAS (1st Edition)

In HELLAS, the first installment in the “History of the Ancient Seas” game series, you will lead one of two great City States - Athens or Sparta. HELLAS is a... (continuer à lire)
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très positif, 86 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
180 minutes
Publié en
Sound of Drums
1 à 2 joueurs
Karl Hausser
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
War Game, Solo / Solitaire Game, Ancient Civilization, Nautical, Civilization, Action Points et Hexagon Grid
History of the Ancient Seas I - HELLAS (1st Edition) preview imageConsultez l'option d'achat ici


In HELLAS, the first installment in the “History of the Ancient Seas” game series, you will lead one of two great City States - Athens or Sparta. HELLAS is a two player game!

You will move your 3D wooden playing pieces (representing fleets and legions) across the map from the center of the Hellenistic world to the shores of Persia in the east and to the sandy beaches of Sicily in the west to expand your trade net. Be the first who starts an expedition to conquer Sicily, the granary of the Mediterranean Sea. Or head east to conquer the islands in the Aegean Sea and land your troops on the rich coast of the Persian Empire.

The heart of the game is the "action cycle". An action chosen by a player can't be chosen by the other player in his upcoming segment. And each action can only be chosen a limited number of times each turn. There is always more you need to do than you can actually do.

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Catégories du jeu


Maison d'éditions

  • Sound of Drums
  • Sound of Drums GmbH


  • Karl Hausser


  • Uwe Walentin


  • Marc von Martial

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