Cat Territory (Japanese Edition)

As a cat, players must lie in order to get food. Players play one card from their hand, face down, declaring the strength of the card and can lie about... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
20 minutes
Publié en
Joynt Game Factory
2 to 5 joueurs
Jyujin Ohtsubo
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Card Game et Strategy Game
Cat Territory (Japanese Edition) preview image


As a cat, players must lie in order to get food. Players play one card from their hand, face down, declaring the strength of the card and can lie about it - but only five times during the game. The strongest card wins the food! This is a game where you act like a cat, enjoying luck ... and psychological warfare. This is a Japanese-Language item and includes no English components unless noted in the condition note.

Option d'achat

Acheter Cat Territory (Japanese Edition)
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

24,95 USD
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Catégories du jeu


Maison d'édition

  • Joynt Game Factory


  • Jyujin Ohtsubo