In this here fast-playing card game designed by James Ernest, you’ve got one year to help build the most famous town in all... (continuer à lire)
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In this here fast-playing card game designed by James Ernest, you’ve got one year to help build the most famous town in all the West! Each season, the train will bring in city slickers and kinfolk from the east to help you run your new businesses on Main Street. Hire your workers carefully, keeping in mind that members of the same family help each other reach success faster!
In Capital City, Dollars are useful, but Victory Points are like pure gold! At the end of the year, the player with the most Victory Points wins the game and becomes the new Mayor of Capital City!
Bring home a little piece of the wild west today!
Option d'achat
Acheter Capital City
chez Noble Knight Games
18,49 $US
11,00 USD
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