Braintopia Beyond is the follow-up to the fast-paced brain bender that tests your mental focus, flexibility, and speed. Comprised of eight different types of challenges, up to six players race... (continuer à lire)
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Braintopia Beyond is the follow-up to the fast-paced brain bender that tests your mental focus, flexibility, and speed. Comprised of eight different types of challenges, up to six players race through a deck of cards, fighting to keep up with the ever-changing mini-games, and attempt to solve the puzzles faster than their opponents. Collect brain tokens by beating a single Touch challenge or claiming a pair of cards from any of the other seven games: Multitasking, Observation, Squares, Analysis, Unique, Combination, and Tracking. The first player to collect four brain tokens wins!
Option d'achat
Acheter Braintopia - Beyond
chez Noble Knight Games
12,95 $US
9,50 USD
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