Red Dragon Inn, The: Allies Expansion - Piper vs. Ripsnarl

One is a skilled hunter, the eagle-eyed sniper who never misses a shot. The other is a fearsome werewolf, who is both a formidable villain and a literal party animal.... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
30 minutes
Publié en
Slug Fest Games
2 to 4 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Fantasy, Strategy Game, Slug Fest Games et Party Game
Red Dragon Inn, The: Allies Expansion - Piper vs. Ripsnarl preview imageConsultez l'option d'achat ici


One is a skilled hunter, the eagle-eyed sniper who never misses a shot. The other is a fearsome werewolf, who is both a formidable villain and a literal party animal.

Presenting: The Red Dragon Inn Allies: Piper vs Ripsnarl!

You’ve seen these two tangle in Battle for Greyport, our cooperative deckbuilding game, but now they’re coming to the tavern to join the party as our 48th and 49th characters for The Red Dragon Inn.

Piper is a brilliant marksman who can hit any target with ease. She tends to work alone, but joins our heroes on occasion when that “long distance touch” is needed. Folks around the tavern know that her wit is as sharp as her arrows, so they have extra reason to stay on her good side!

The Good: Piper never misses a shot.
The Bad: This applies to drinking contests as well as archery.

Ripsnarl is always ready for a howling good time… when he’s not in his scrawny human form. When he’s a werewolf, he becomes a literal party animal. The rest of the time you’ll find him fuming and plotting his revenge. He always finds ways to transform again, even when the moon wanes.

The Bad: Ripsnarl keeps his claws razor sharp.
The Worse: … and Piper has the scars to prove it.

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