Red Dragon Inn, The: Allies Expansion - Ohava and Murgath

Ohava and Murgath are two new characters for use in any standalone Red Dragon Inn game.

Ohava, the Grand Cleric: Ohava has been the matron of the Great Temple of... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
30 minutes
Publié en
Slug Fest Games
2 to 4 joueurs
Sam Waller
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game, Fantasy, Slug Fest Games, Party Game et Sam Waller
Red Dragon Inn, The: Allies Expansion - Ohava and Murgath preview imageConsultez l'option d'achat ici


Ohava and Murgath are two new characters for use in any standalone Red Dragon Inn game.

Ohava, the Grand Cleric: Ohava has been the matron of the Great Temple of Greyport for longer than some of our heroes have been alive. Among her duties are healing, miracle work, team-building exercises, and earning the All-Mother’s blessings by trying to keep all four of the Great Divines in harmony with one another.

Murgath the Blessed: We all know the story of the adventurer who has the misfortune of being stuck with a cursed item. But what about the villain who is stuck with a blessed item? Murgath is a vile, ruthless Blackguard who can’t get rid of the holy sword Banefall. Banefall does everything in her power to stay Murgath’s hand and interfere with his evil plans. She can’t completely stop him, but she can give her blessings to those unfortunate targets of his wrath.

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Maison d'édition


Jeux à thématique Fantasy

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