Think again, as 40 Waves in Daelore sails in with a host of new Too Many Bones encounters and Baddies,... (continuer à lire)
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Think again, as 40 Waves in Daelore sails in with a host of new Too Many Bones encounters and Baddies, all specifically designed for Too Many Bones: Undertow. This add-on features 40 new encounters, all of them featuring either the raft Battle Mat mechanics, mech units, krelin units, or some combination of the three. What's more, 40 Waves will provide your Baddie Stacks with a major refresh, with 8 new krelin and 8 new mech baddies nearly doubling the amount of either of those baddies currently available!
40 Encounter Cards
16 Baddie Chips
Option d'achat
Acheter Too Many Bones: 40 Waves in Daelore
chez Noble Knight Games
29,95 USD
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