The Truth or Drink game series helps you skip small talk and get down to the good stuff. The Sin expansion pack is an all-new set of all-too-revealing questions, grouped... (read more)
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The Truth or Drink game series helps you skip small talk and get down to the good stuff. The Sin expansion pack is an all-new set of all-too-revealing questions, grouped thematically by the Seven Deadly Sins.
This means there's questions about lust. We think that's hot.
There's questions about greed. As many as we could put in there.
There's questions about envy. They'll leave you wanting more.
There's questions about pride. We're really proud of these.
There's questions about sloth. Slow down and take a good look.
There's questions about wrath. They're furiously good.
TOO MANY questions, you say? No chance. Get ready to gorge yourself...because there's also questions about gluttony.
Each card features two questions, so you can pick the best one for the moment. The person being asked can either answer the question, or take a drink!
Sin can be played alongside the original Truth or Drink game, or, as a standalone game with just the cards included in this deck.
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Buy Truth or Drink - Sin
from Noble Knight Games
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