Gunfighter (Kickstarter Edition)

Gunfighter is a two player non-collectible card game where each player equips skill cards at the beginning of a Western showdown. These skills range from stylish shooting and dodging sequences... (read more)
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15 minutes
Everything Epic
2 to 3 players
Game's Categories
Card Game, Everything Epic, and Alternate History
Gunfighter (Kickstarter Edition) preview imageCheck out the purchase option here


Gunfighter is a two player non-collectible card game where each player equips skill cards at the beginning of a Western showdown. These skills range from stylish shooting and dodging sequences to taunting or even instilling fear in the opponent.

During each turn of the duel, both players simultaneously select one skill card to use. In order to consistently land shots on the enemy, players must focus on using their skill cards to maintain high accuracy (chance to hit) and also ensure that their weapon is loaded at all times. To win, players must knock out their opponent by reducing their opponent’s health meter to zero. Each time a player is shot, they lose a health point; when a player has zero health points remaining, they are knocked out and the game ends.

Kickstarter Edition includes a promo card, extra die and the Gunfighter Expansion Pack!

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Game's Categories


  • Everything Epic

Card Game