Science Fiction themed games published by Upper Deck Entertainment
Comic Book / Strip themed games published by Upper Deck Entertainment
Games illustrated by Jeremy Colwell and published by Upper Deck Entertainment
Games with Variable Set-up published by Upper Deck Entertainment
Games with Closed Drafting published by Upper Deck Entertainment

Dungeon Draft
Over the course of multiple rounds, players will draft heroes and weapons and use them to defeat monsters and complete quests in an effort to earn the most victory points. Like with any good drafting game the choice between helping yourself or hindering...
mixed, 67%
8 y/o +
2 to 5 players
30 minutes
Card Game
Closed Drafting
Hand Management
Turn Order: Progressive
Games with Deck, Bag, and Pool Building published by Upper Deck Entertainment
Games with Area Majority / Influence published by Upper Deck Entertainment

Bring Out Yer Dead
Bring Out Yer Dead is set in the Victorian era and revolves around families competing for the best grave plots for their dearly departed. Small wooden coffin tokens are used for game pieces and French Tarot-style playing cards feature characters such...
mixed, 56%
12 y/o +
2 to 5 players
40 minutes
Strategy Game
Cemeteries / Graveyards
Action Queue
Area Majority / Influence
Open Drafting
Set Collection