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Exploding Kittens
Exploding Kittens
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Animals themed games published by Exploding Kittens
Exploding Kittens: 2 Player Edition
Exploding Kittens: Good vs Evil
Exploding Kittens: Imploding Kittens Expansion
Exploding Kittens: Streaking Kittens Expansion
Exploding Minions
Games with Push Your Luck published by Exploding Kittens
Exploding Kittens: Recipes for Disaster
This box contains everything you need to play the ultimate game of Exploding Kittens. It's a curated collection of 121 of our most popular cards packed into one complete set.The perfect collection for both newbies and experts alike. Recipes for Disaster...
mostly positive, 74%
7 y/o +
2 to 5 players
15 minutes
Party Game
Hand Management
Hot Potato
Player Elimination
Push Your Luck
Games designed by Ian Clayman and published by Exploding Kittens
Without Fail
A Little Wordy
Let's Hit Each Other with Fake Swords
Really Loud Librarians
Games with Dexterity published by Exploding Kittens
A Game of Cat & Mouth
"Its like playing pinball with slingshots."- A CatA Game of Cat & Mouth is a fiercely competitive magnet-powered Pinball-ish game from the creators of Exploding Kittens. In this highly-addicting game, players must hurl colorful balls through a cat's ...
mixed, 69%
7 y/o +
0 to 2 players
15 minutes
Games published by Gém Klub Kft. and Exploding Kittens
Power Hungry Pets is a reimagining of Love Letter, with players making a mad grab for power thanks to the animal powers they have on hand.Each card features a number and a hilarious way to backstab, steal from, or obliterate the other players. Players...
Power Hungry Pets
Start by dealing out the pancake cards with misfit toppings. Then match your toppings with other players' toppings to get rid of your pancakes. Everyone plays at once, no turns, just chaos!But hurry, the goal is to get rid of all your pancakes as fast...
Anarchy Pancakes
Team-Based Game published by Exploding Kittens
Food, Drink & Cooking themed games published by Exploding Kittens
Throw Throw Avocado
This is a party game unlike any you've played before. It's a combination of card games and dodgeball where players go head to head collecting cards, earning points, and throwing Avocados at one another.• Place the pair of throwable Avocados on the table...
mixed, 63%
7 y/o +
2 to 6 players
15 minutes
Card Game
Food, Drink & Cooking
Set Collection