Designed by Jon Gilmour and based on the comic series by Jim Zub & Steven Cummings, Wayward is a cooperative game for 1 to 5 players. Each player takes on... (read more)
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Designed by Jon Gilmour and based on the comic series by Jim Zub & Steven Cummings, Wayward is a cooperative game for 1 to 5 players. Each player takes on the role of a teenager with newly found supernatural abilities, fighting for their own survival and to prevent the Weave, the hidden threads of power and destiny that guide our world, from unraveling. Choose one of five different scenarios to play, each with unique rules, components, and win conditions, then work together to defeat swarms of Yokai and shut down their places of power!
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Buy Wayward
from Noble Knight Games
USD 15.00
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