Spot It! Winter Wonderland

Spot It! the family game of quick observation is back with a festive and seasonal edition. Spot It! Winter Wonderland fills the Spot It! cards with cute illustrations of seasonal... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
15 minutes
Publié en
Blue Orange Games
2 to 6 joueurs
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Spot It! the family game of quick observation is back with a festive and seasonal edition. Spot It! Winter Wonderland fills the Spot It! cards with cute illustrations of seasonal items like pinecones, sweaters, snowmen and more. As with all Spot It! cards, there will only ever be one matching symbol between any 2 cards. Each game of Spot It! includes multiple games, but the core goal is always the same: players need to find matching pairs as quickly as they can.

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