The fastest game in the world! Play all your cards on the two stacks in the middle. Note the color, the number and the symbol on the cards ... and... (continuer à lire)
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The fastest game in the world! Play all your cards on the two stacks in the middle. Note the color, the number and the symbol on the cards ... and try to be faster than your opponent! Try to be the first to play all your cards on the two stacks in the middle. Cards may be played on a stack if the top card on that pile has the same color, has the same symbol or has the same number of symbols.
For all ages! The rules are very simple, so very suitable for children. However, adults also have fun with this game time and time again.
Play again? The game lasts two minutes, so a revenge immediately follows!
Option d'achat
Acheter Speed (Dutch Edition)
chez Noble Knight Games
14,49 USD
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