Sentinels of Earth-Prime - Lantern Jack, Hero Expansion Deck
A Sentinels of Earth-Prime Mini-Expansion!
Many times over the centuries since the American Revolution, people in Freedom City have seen a spectral figure in colonial garb bearing a glowing lantern,... (read more)
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Many times over the centuries since the American Revolution, people in Freedom City have seen a spectral figure in colonial garb bearing a glowing lantern, his face hidden in shadows. The light of his lantern burns blue with the light of truth, green with the light of justice, and purple with the light of vengeance, as “Lantern Jack” watches over the world of the living.
Includes a unique deck of 40 hero cards, a character card, a variant card, and a divider card.
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Buy Sentinels of Earth-Prime - Lantern Jack, Hero Expansion Deck
from Noble Knight Games
USD 5.95
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