Roll Camera (POD)

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You are urgently needed on set!

The lights are melting the costumes, the camera assistant ran off... (read more)
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mostly positive, 75% of all reviews are favorable
45 minutes
Keen Bean
1 to 4 players
Malachi Ray Rempen
Game's Categories
Strategy Game, Solo / Solitaire Game, Dice Rolling, Set Collection, Dice Game, Open Drafting, and End Game Bonuses


This is a print on demand copy and is not an original copy.

You are urgently needed on set!

The lights are melting the costumes, the camera assistant ran off with the star, and we're burning through time and money faster than 35mm film at 120 fps.

This movie production is a total disaster!

Luckily, the film company has you. Use your famous creativity, problem-solving skills, and brilliant ideas to get the movie back on track.

Purchase option

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from Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

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Strategy Game