Nostalgia Tin - Monopoly

America's favorite board game!

The game of Monopoly was first published by Parker Brothers in 1935. Since that time, millions of people across the globe have experienced the joy of... (continuer à lire)
Temps de jeu
60 minutes
Publié en
Winning Solutions
2 to 8 joueurs
Style de jeu

Option d'achat

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Acheter Nostalgia Tin - Monopoly
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

29,99 USD


America's favorite board game!

The game of Monopoly was first published by Parker Brothers in 1935. Since that time, millions of people across the globe have experienced the joy of passing "Go" and collecting $200 in their attempt to "Own it All."

This 1934 Nostalgia Edition is captured in a unique collectible tin, which houses vintage components and a built-in banker's tray for all to love!


  • Full-size game board based on the 1934 edition
  • 8 Die cast tokens
  • Wooden houses and hotels
  • Vintage Chance
  • Community Chest and Title Deed cards
  • Built-in banker's tray and storage area
  • Monopoly money
  • 2 dice
  • instructions
  • Catégories du jeu


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