Museum Pictura - Vernissage

In this expansion, you will be attempting to organize luxurious private parties for only the most illustrious of guests! In order to attract these Very Important Patrons, you’ll need to... (read more)
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60 minutes
Holy Grail Games
2 to 4 players
Eric Dubus and Olivier Melison
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Strategy Game, Holy Grail Games, Eric Dubus, and Olivier Melison
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In this expansion, you will be attempting to organize luxurious private parties for only the most illustrious of guests! In order to attract these Very Important Patrons, you’ll need to discard Painting cards, temporarily putting them to one side for your exclusive parties. Delight them with just the right combination of Painting cards, and you’ll convince them to lend their support to your establishment! This support will come in the form of Prestige points at the end of the game, but also other bonuses!

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