Munchkin Babies 2 - Stork Naked

Did you enjoy the sweet feeling of playing Munchkin Babies? Have you been experiencing signs of baby fever?

You’re in luck, Munchkin Babies 2 – Stork Naked will give you... (continuer à lire)
Temps de jeu
1 minute
Publié en
Steve Jackson Games
3 to 6 joueurs
Style de jeu

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Did you enjoy the sweet feeling of playing Munchkin Babies? Have you been experiencing signs of baby fever?

You’re in luck, Munchkin Babies 2 – Stork Naked will give you that newborn feeling again, without any labor on your part! Add this 56-card expansion to your Munchkin Babies game – or any fantasy Munchkin game.

It's all Developmentally Appropriate, and after all that fighting, the babies will surely Sleep Through the Night.

Catégories du jeu


Maison d'édition

Card Game