Match Attach is a tile placement game where players can move the tiles around board using Maneuvers. Only Active Tiles (tiles with adjacent like colored edges) may be Maneuvered. Maneuver... (read more)
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Match Attach is a tile placement game where players can move the tiles around board using Maneuvers. Only Active Tiles (tiles with adjacent like colored edges) may be Maneuvered. Maneuver tiles to attach more matches, but be careful not to end your turn with any Active Tiles left, because you will have to remove them for negative points.
Puzzling and a challenge in visualization, Match Attach challenges your mental acuity. As the board grows, there is more opportunity to make matches, but it also gets more risky! As the board shrinks and the end of the game closes in, it gets harder to score matches again.
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from Noble Knight Games
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