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CoolMiniOrNot (CMON)
Massive Darkness: Lightbringer Pack (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Massive Darkness: Lightbringer Pack (Kickstarter Exclusive)
All of the Kickstarter exclusive content from the Lightbringer Pledge Level including bonus minis, tiles, cards and scenarios.
Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.
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Noble Knight Games
USD 85.00
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, 92% of all reviews are favorable
90 to 180 minutes
CoolMiniOrNot (CMON)
Game's Categories
CoolMiniOrNot (CMON), CMON Global Limited, Cooperative Game, Modular Board, Fantasy, Variable Player Powers, and Fighting
Massive Darkness: Lightbringer Pack (Kickstarter Exclusive)
All of the Kickstarter exclusive content from the Lightbringer Pledge Level including bonus minis, tiles, cards and scenarios.
Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.
Purchase option
Massive Darkness: Lightbringer Pack (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Noble Knight Games
USD 85.00
Disclosure: This site includes affiliate links. PaytheOne may earn a commission for purchases made through these links, at no extra cost to you. Your support is appreciated.
Game's Categories
Cooperative Game
Variable Player Powers
Dice Rolling
Modular Board
CoolMiniOrNot (CMON)
CMON Global Limited
Guillotine Games
Games published by CMON Global Limited
Zombicide - Black Plague: Huntsman Pack (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Massive Darkness: Bloodmoon Assassins vs. The Hellephant
Massive Darkness: Warrior Priests vs. The Spearmaiden Cyclops
Zombicide - Black Plague: Horde Box (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Zombicide - Marvel Zombies: Marvel Zombies - Stretch Goal Promo Box (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Zombicide: Reboot Box (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Zombicide - Marvel Zombies: Sentinel Strike (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Zombicide - Undead or Alive: Dead West (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Blood Rage Promos Box (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Zombicide - Marvel Zombies: Galactus the Devourer (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Zombicide - Marvel Zombies: Marvel Zombies - Artist's Special Edition Set (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Zombicide - Black Plague: Zombie Bosses - Abomination Pack
Massive Darkness: Troglodytes Enemy Box
Zombicide: Iron Maiden Pack #3
Massive Darkness: Reptisaurians Enemy Box
Zombicide - Invader: Dark Side Standalone Expansion
Massive Darkness: Ratlings Enemy Box
Massive Darkness: Heroes & Monster Set - Noble Warriors vs. The Cockatrix
Fighting themed games
Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape
Massive Darkness 2: Heroes & Monster Set - Monks & Necromancers vs Paragon
Massive Darkness 2: Druids vs. Beelzebub (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Massive Darkness 2: Rainbow Crossing (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Arcadia Quest: Hell of a Box (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Cthulhu - Death May Die: Unspeakable Box (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United - Promo Characters: Old Man Logan (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United - Promo Characters: Yondu (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United - Promo Characters: Storm w/Mohawk (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United - Promo Characters: Adam Warlock (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United - Promo Characters: Adam Warlock (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Doctor Strange (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Massive Darkness 2: Upgrade Pack
Cthulhu - Death May Die: Scarlett Hayes Promo (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Massive Darkness 2: Heavenfall
Marvel United: Fantastic Four (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United: Age of Apocalypse (Kickstarter Exclusive), The
Others, The: Omega Team Expansion (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United: X-Men Horsemen of Apocalypse, The (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Massive Darkness 2: Heroes & Monster Set - Bards & Tinkerers vs Metal Angel
Massive Darkness 2: Feyfolk Enemy Box
Marvel United: X-Men Phoenix Five (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United: Campaign Decks (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United: X-Men Days of Future Past (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United: X-Force (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United: X-Men First Class (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United: Infinity Gauntlet, The (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United: Enter the Spider-Verse w/Spider-Ham (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United: Fantastic Four - The Coming of Galactus (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United: Tales of Asgard w/Beta Ray Bill (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United: Secret Invasion (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United: Multiverse - Kickstarter Promos Box
Marvel United: X-Men - Kickstarter Promos Box
Marvel United: Pet Companions (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Marvel United: Return of the Sinister Six (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Adventure themed games
The Blood Moon Box contains Kickstarter-exclusive content for Bloodborne: The Board Game.Enhance your game experience with 6 new Hunters, 5 new Enemies, and 1 new Boss to challenge, as well as 4 dolls, 8 chests, and 5 lamps.
1 to 4
60 mins
In the Darkest Depths of Forgotten Catacombs Stand the Gates of HellThis pathway, guarded on both ends by vigilant watchers, serves as permanent conduit to the infernal Realm. Getting into Hell is simply a matter of stepping through a portal, this physical...
1 to 6
Deep in the Nightmare of Mensis sits the towering structure known as Mergo’s Loft, and at its apex resides its namesake master. Who, or what, exactly is Mergo is beyond mortal minds to comprehend, but his host of deadly attendants will strike down any...
1 to 4
60 mins
Includes:Masmorra Core Game w/box Kickstarter Stretch Goals w/boxMasmorra: Dungeons of Arcadia is a fast paced, dice-driven dungeon crawl board game set in the Arcadia Quest universe. Players control Heroes as they explore three levels of a randomly...
1 to 5
60 mins
Games published by CoolMiniOrNot (CMON)
Massive Darkness: Chests & Pillars (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Massive Darkness: Doors & Bridges (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Massive Darkness 2: Darkbringer Pack (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Arcadia Quest - Figure Expansions: Nina (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Arcadia Quest - Figure Expansions: Hilda (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Blood Rage: Wolfwoman (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Zombicide: Season 3, Set #5 - Moustache Pack # 2 (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Rum & Bones: CutThroats Hero Pack (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Zombicide - Night of the Living Dead, Dead of Night Expansion (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Rum & Bones: Blutrausch Promo Captain - Ridgeback (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Arcadia Quest - Figure Expansions: Hitch (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Rum & Bones: Iron Inquisition Promo Captain - Saint Seraphina (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Kaosball: Expansion Team #9 - Malltown Zombies (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Kaosball: Ringer - Rumblefist (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Kaosball: Ringer - The Patriot (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Kaosball: Ringer - Tycho (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Kaosball: Ringer - Kutulu (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Kaosball: Ringer - Gojira (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Kaosball: Ringer - The Warrior (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Kaosball: Ringer - Kongbad (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Kaosball: Ringer - Zorra (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Kaosball: Ringer - Gangsta Z (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Rum & Bones: Hilda the Valkyrie (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Cyberpunk 2077 - Gangs of Night City: 3D Hideouts & Drones Pack (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Rum & Bones: Fairy Tale Hero Pack (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Rivet Wars - Eastern Front: Veteran, The (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Rivet Wars - Eastern Front: Sturmrad vs. M7 Boss (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Rivet Wars - Eastern Front: Baby Girl (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Rivet Wars - Eastern Front: M3 Vertical Tank vs. Landkrieger (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Zombicide - Undead or Alive: Special Guest Box - Paolo Parente (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Zombicide - Black Plague: Erik Summoner (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Kaosball: Ringer - Gabriel (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Zombicide - Black Plague: Special Guest Artist Box - Paul Bonner #2
Dastardly & Muttley Promo Pack (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Hell of a Box (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Fantasy themed games
This Kickstarter Exclusive pack includes Cthulhu which can be used as a new game mode for Kharnage!
Kharnage: Cthulhu Pack (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.
Mythic Battles - Pantheon: Ketos (Kickstarter Exclusive)