The enlightened monarch Vladimiro Miritiro, tired of reigning, has decided to choose his successor. Paladins, cooks, painters and all the other subjects in the kingdom bustle about for the throne.... (read more)
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The enlightened monarch Vladimiro Miritiro, tired of reigning, has decided to choose his successor. Paladins, cooks, painters and all the other subjects in the kingdom bustle about for the throne. Help the King in this decision by advising their favorites and trying to crown one of them as the new King! Play your moves cunningly and bring your favorite to the throne!
1 game board
13 wooden tokens
13 stickers
6 "Yes" vote cards
12 "No" vote cards
26 secret goal cards
1 crown
1 note pad
1 pencil
Purchase option
Buy King Up!
from Noble Knight Games
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