Ivion - The Rune & the Rime

In Ivion: The Rune and the Rime, beat back the cold as the ruthless Hunstman, or claim it as your own as the mighty Winterborn. Fully compatible with all other... (continuer à lire)
Temps de jeu
45 minutes
Publié en
Luminary Games
2 joueurs
Aislyn Hall et Aaron Shaw
Style de jeu

Option d'achat

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34,99 USD


In Ivion: The Rune and the Rime, beat back the cold as the ruthless Hunstman, or claim it as your own as the mighty Winterborn. Fully compatible with all other Ivion products.

Ivion is quick, strategic, and brutal. Welcome to the most intense and rewarding battle card game experience on the market! Play with the heroes straight out of the box or build your own! A unique hero-crafting system where you create your own legendary hero by combining capabilities of different characters. Combine abilities from three different boxed sets to create your ideal hero!

Close the gap with precisely executed assaults or keep your foes away with deadly traps and magical rifts. The battlefield is ever-changing according to your capabilities. Simply dealing damage isn't enough. You'll need to utilize the revolutionary Control system to slow your foe's advance, silence their magic and disarm their savage attacks.

Catégories du jeu


Maison d'édition

Strategy Game