Got It!

This is the second edition of Got It! The fast and fun little math game designed by Jolly Games. The object is to find formulas fast; first, a 6x6 grid... (read more)
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20 minutes
Jolly Games
2 to 8 players
Tom Jolly
Game's Categories
Card Game, Strategy Game, and Tom Jolly


This is the second edition of Got It! The fast and fun little math game designed by Jolly Games. The object is to find formulas fast; first, a 6x6 grid of numbers and operators is dealt out (as below) and a "goal number" (from 1 to 40) is drawn from a deck. Then, each of the players (as many as you can get around a table) examine the grid looking for a 5-card equation that equals the goal number. This can be any 5 adjacent cards in the grid (3 numbers and 2 operators), not necessarily in a straight line.

There is a simpler grid for younger players that only uses addition and subtraction, arranged in a 5x5 grid, using numbers 1-9 and card numbers 1-20.

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Game's Categories


  • Jolly Games


Card Game