Zone of Control

Zone of Control in Board Games


"Zone of Control" (ZoC) is a tactical mechanic commonly featured in board games, especially in wargames and strategy games. It refers to the area around a game piece that is influenced or controlled by that piece.


ZoC is derived from military strategy, where it denotes the area that a military unit can effectively control, patrol, or influence, impacting the movements and actions of the enemy.

Mechanic in Games

In board games, ZoC usually affects how players can move pieces on the board. When an opposing piece enters a ZoC, there may be:

  • Restrictions on movement, such as not allowing the piece to move any further or enforcing certain penalties if they choose to do so.
  • Involuntary engagement in combat or another type of confrontation.
  • Limitations on the abilities that can be used within the opponent's ZoC.

Example Games

Some examples of games that use ZoC include classic wargames like Avalon Hill's PanzerBlitz and modern strategy games such as Twilight Struggle.

Design Considerations

Incorporating ZoC into a board game can:

  • Increase the depth of strategic options available to players.
  • Encourage players to think about positioning and spatial control.
  • Create dynamic interactions based on the spatial arrangement of game pieces.


"Zone of Control" is a dynamic and compelling mechanic that brings an element of spatial strategy to board games, directly influencing the ebb and flow of player interactions on the board.

Zone of Control and Hand Management games

Zone of Control games illustrated by Stefano vecchi