Die Icon Resolution

Die Icon Resolution in Board Games

Die Icon Resolution is a mechanic in board games where players roll dice with symbols or icons instead of traditional numbers. These icons represent different actions or outcomes, and the roll determines the player’s options or the game's progression.


When a player rolls the dice, they interpret the resulting icons according to the game's rules. This could trigger effects such as gaining resources or activating abilities.


This mechanic adds a layer of strategy, as players must adapt their plans based on the icons they roll. It also enriches the game's theme with symbols reflecting game elements.

Example: "King of Tokyo"

In "King of Tokyo", dice have icons for attack, energy, healing, and points. Players must decide how to use these outcomes to win the game.

Die Icon Resolution and Re-rolling and Locking games

Die Icon Resolution and Set Collection games

Strategy Game with Die Icon Resolution

Die Icon Resolution games published by Lautapelit.fi