Solo Hero Series: Warp's Edge

Fight. Warp. Repeat.

You are rookie pilot, Taylor Minde. Stranded in the far reaches of space, you emerge from hyperspace to find yourself on the doorstep of the enemy fleet!... (continuer à lire)

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principalement positif, 79 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
30 minutes
Publié en
Renegade Game Studios
1 joueur
Scott Almes
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Renegade Game Studios, Strategy Game, Solo / Solitaire Game, Schwerkraft-Verlag, Science Fiction, Deck, Bag, and Pool Building et Dustin Schwartz
Solo Hero Series: Warp's Edge preview image


Fight. Warp. Repeat.

You are rookie pilot, Taylor Minde. Stranded in the far reaches of space, you emerge from hyperspace to find yourself on the doorstep of the enemy fleet! You go in with cannons blazing, but you're no match for them. In the instant before you are blown up, the ship's experimental SAVIOR protocol warps you back to the start of the battle. The enemy fleet is in front of you again. The mothership looms in the distance. But your laser batteries have reset, too. You have a second chance, and now you know what's coming...

Warp's Edge is a solo bag-building game of space combat. Pilot one of four starfighters, which each have their own unique weapon loadouts. You'll be facing off against one of five alien motherships and its accompanying fleet. Every matchup offers a different challenge, pushing you toward new strategies and tactics. You have a limited number of warps to succeed, so choose wisely as you improve your arsenal and learn new skills!

In this box you will also find a choose-your-path storybook, Singularity, written by Banana Chan. This sets the stage for the events of the game and reveals Taylor's backstory. You can even customize the game setup based on the narrative choices you make!


  • 109 Pilot Tokens
  • 2 Starfighter Dashboards
  • 3 Mothership Dashboards
  • 18 Skill Cards
  • 27 Enemy Cards
  • 1 Hull Marker
  • 1 Shield Marker
  • 1 Warp Marker
  • 1 Mothership Marker
  • 5 Damage Markers
  • 2 Token Trays
  • 1 Token Bag
  • 1 Storybook
  • 1 Rulebook

Mechanisms:• Deck, Bag, and Pool Building

Option d'achats

Acheter Solo Hero Series: Warp's Edge
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

29,95 $US
20,00 USD

Acheter Solo Hero Series: Warp's Edge
chez Miniature Market logoMiniature Market

35,00 $US
26,99 USD
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Catégories du jeu





  • T. C. Petty III


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