Walking Dead, The - No Sanctuary - Better Angels Add-on

In the “Better Angels” Scenario, Rick and Shane start out on opposite sides of a typical 2x2 board, which includes the special Misty Forest Tile. Shane begins the game wounded,... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
45 minutes
Publié en
Cryptozoic Entertainment
1 à 4 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Cryptozoic Entertainment et Horror
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In the “Better Angels” Scenario, Rick and Shane start out on opposite sides of a typical 2x2 board, which includes the special Misty Forest Tile. Shane begins the game wounded, with 2 Survivor Cards in his discard pile and a hand of only 3 cards. However, Shane is hiding something from Rick: his Shotgun! The Shotgun Survivor Card is set aside and the player controlling Shane has a Map Card that only he or she can look at. If Shane ever gets to the secret Space indicated on the Map Card, he gets to add the Shotgun directly to his hand, swinging the odds wildly in his favor.

But Rick has some advantages of his own in this one-on-one battle to the death! Rick starts the Scenario with more health and is considered the Leader during the entire Scenario (which may be one of the reasons Shane has such a problem with him!). Just like any regular Scenario of THE WALKING DEAD: NO SANCTUARY, the Leaders draws 2 Event Cards, choosing 1 card to become the Active Event and discarding the other card, causing a penalty for all players. The difference when playing PvP is that a character who is Defiant to the Approach set by the Active Event only hurts his own cause, since he is the only one who earns the resulting Stress.

The Scenario ends when either Rick or Shane is killed by his opponent. However, since this is the world of The Walking Dead, when Shane is “killed” he rises again as a Walker one turn later, with the regular Shane figure replaced by the Walker Shane figure. The player controlling Shane will also have control of all the other Walkers on the board. Rick will need to put down his former friend a second time to win!

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