Over 100 years ago, the noble experiment that was the United States exploded into Civil War. The fight was about control of the government, it was about slavery, and the... (continuer à lire)
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Over 100 years ago, the noble experiment that was the United States exploded into Civil War. The fight was about control of the government, it was about slavery, and the war would shape the hopes and dreams of generations. Years later, the proud veterans recalled, they had fought for two reasons:
Victory and Honor And now once again, the battle lines are drawn, and the troops deployed. But can you provide the skill and strategy necessary for winning? Find out in Victory & Honor. In the game, players attempt to capture tricks and score points for the generals and soldiers captured in battle. But there's a catch. Play doesn't go directly around the table and three tricks are contested at once! Indeed, a card laid at the start can, with skill and a bit of luck, turn into the trump card that turns defeat into stunning victory.
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