Hexplore It!: Valley of the Dead King, The - Living Card Deck

Volume I Living Card Deck in the HEXplore It series:

Continue your adventure in the Runecrest Valley! The content in this deck box requires the use of the Valley of... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
60 minutes
Publié en
Mariucci J. Designs
1 à 7 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game et Mariucci J. Designs
Hexplore It!: Valley of the Dead King, The - Living Card Deck preview imageConsultez l'option d'achat ici


Volume I Living Card Deck in the HEXplore It series:

Continue your adventure in the Runecrest Valley! The content in this deck box requires the use of the Valley of the Dead King Core box.

Add 60 new cards to supplement the Valley of the Dead King Core Box.

  • 12 Circumstances: Experience new Encounters, Treasures, Nature effects and more.
  • 24 Quests: Play through a twelve-card Quest arc that brings a rich story to life that unravels quickly during play. Additionally, you'll find 12 independent Quests to help the quirky gnome Bezzelquark.
  • 24 Peril Cards: Newly introduced in this deck, these dangerous cards initiate challenging scenarios for the heroes to overcome and offer huge rewards to those who can!
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