
Vabanque” is a game of bluff and risk taking in the casinos’ world. The title comes from an expression used in an 18th century gambling game called Pharaoh, where players... (continuer à lire)
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mitigé, 61 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
45 minutes
Publié en
3 to 6 joueurs
Leo Colovini et Bruno Faidutti
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game, Bluffing, Betting, Bruno Faidutti, Leo Colovini, Winning Moves Germany et New Games Order, LLC


Vabanque” is a game of bluff and risk taking in the casinos’ world. The title comes from an expression used in an 18th century gambling game called Pharaoh, where players risked winning or losing everything: the ancestor of the “all-in” in poker.

Try to win the most money by choosing the right casino tables and setting traps for your opponents. Be greedy, but not too greedy, or you will risk falling into their own traps! Unless it was all a bluff on their part…

Do you prefer to be cautious by winning little or to try and win a lot, at the risk of being trapped by your opponents? Such is the permanent dilemma of Vabanque, THE casino game of the 2000s to discover or rediscover in this brand-new edition!

Option d'achat

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Jeux publiés par Winning Moves Germany