Bruised and battered, you ascend up to the entrance into the Black Mountains from whence you came. You managed to collect all three Shards of Brahm and break the curse... (continuer à lire)
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Bruised and battered, you ascend up to the entrance into the Black Mountains from whence you came. You managed to collect all three Shards of Brahm and break the curse cast upon the clerics of the Red Cloth. Now your adventure truly begins. You must travel to the far city of Oakinshelm to relay the news to the Baron that there is a traitor in his ranks and to get some well earned rest. This Journey will not lack agony. You will have to make your way through dark forests, harsh mountains, across unpredictable waters, and try to avoid the vile deadlands. You have seven days to make this journey to Oakinshelm, or die trying...
Tin Realm takes place moments after Tin Helm. You may even use all of the characters, loot, trappings, and enemies from Tin Helm in Tin Realm! The reverse is also true.
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