This Family Edition is the first release in the Time's UP versions that is made for the whole family to play! Kids and adults can finally compete together in this... (continuer à lire)
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This Family Edition is the first release in the Time's UP versions that is made for the whole family to play! Kids and adults can finally compete together in this edition that uses everyday items as the answers! As usual, our favorite clue giving and charades game builds the laughter and excitement through three hilarious rounds. You have 30 seconds to get your team to guess as many items in the Deck of Stuff as possible. Round 1, say or do anything; Round 2, use just one word; and Round 3, gestures only ... no words allowed! Comes with over 500 unique items, the basic sand timer, PLUS expanded rules that allow for an odd number of players! Also includes a dry erase marker and score sheet right on the box!
Setup of Time’s Up Family:
Divide into teams with team members sitting across from each other. Time’s Up works best when played in teams of two players each. Choose a player to keep score of Time’s Up game.
Decide whether you’ll be using the ORANGE or the BLUE names. Make sure everyone knows which color you’re using! Do not mix colors within the same game.
Deal out 40 cards evenly among all players of Time’s Up Family (for a longer game, deal out more cards). Then deal two more cards to each player. The rest of the deck won’t be used and should be put back in the box.
Each player may look at their cards and discard two of them. All remaining cards are then shuffled together and stacked face down in the center of the table. This stack is the Deck of Fame.
Choose a starting team to take the Deck. The next team clockwise from the starting team takes the timer and will use it to time the other team’s turn.
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chez Noble Knight Games
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