Lately, there have been strange goings on in the wide open spaces of the Nevada desert. A few black trucks just hurtlin’ in and out of town. About that time... (continuer à lire)
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Lately, there have been strange goings on in the wide open spaces of the Nevada desert. A few black trucks just hurtlin’ in and out of town. About that time the rumblin’ started. But it weren’t no earthquake. No, it was them Worms burrowing through the sands. W.O.R.M.s they call ‘em: Weapons of Remote Massacre.
Long story short, now those government men over at Area Fifty-somethin’ want us to gram them Worm Eggs, or kill a few of them nasty buggers somehow. Said they pay well. Real well. If we don’t die trying.
Terror Below is a game of government experiments gone wild in the Nevada desert. The faster you move, the more vibrations you make, attracting the attention of the vicious Worms underground. Navigate the difficult terrain to collect valuable Worm Eggs and deliver them to locations around town to claim bounties. If you’re feeling lucky, collect items and weapons to go hunt ‘em.
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