Embark on an unpredictable journey with your favorite Disney role-playing game characters in this special Kingdom Hearts edition of Talisman!
The worlds are under attack, calling on the bravest of... (continuer à lire)
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Embark on an unpredictable journey with your favorite Disney role-playing game characters in this special Kingdom Hearts edition of Talisman!
The worlds are under attack, calling on the bravest of hearts to keep the imminent darkness from consuming their communal serenity. Take on the roles of Sora, Kairi, Riku, King Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and more to battle through locations from the Kingdom Hearts universe on a mission to wield powerful Keyblades.
With significant allies, magic spells, and weapons offering protection along the way, only the best equipped will gain access to the source of the threat. Be the first to face off with Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, and seal the Door to Darkness to save unsafe worlds at the mercy of the Heartless!
1 Custom Illustrated Game Board
1 Rulebook
11 Character Cards
4 Heartless Cards
100 Adventure Cards
24 Spell Cards
28 Purchase Cards
6 Keyblade Cards
6 six-sided dice
6 Stat Boards with Dials
30 Munny Tokens
36 Fate Tokens
36 Adventure Card Tokens
11 Custom Sculpted Character Figures
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