In this surprisingly strategic game, players compete to build the weirdest, wildest meal to win the game. Sounds simple, right? Not so fast! Give your opponent Tummy Aches to reduce... (continuer à lire)
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In this surprisingly strategic game, players compete to build the weirdest, wildest meal to win the game. Sounds simple, right? Not so fast! Give your opponent Tummy Aches to reduce the value of their meal. Use Trash Panda, Crafty Crow, and Food Fight to gain the cards you need to win. Block opponents with No Bueno but beware of the Health Inspector and Order Envy … they are real game changers. Once one player is out of cards, the game is instantly over!
Option d'achat
Acheter Taco vs Burrito
chez Noble Knight Games
5,00 USD
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