A delicious game all about stealing snacks from your siblings! In Snack Attack, you play as a Nomnisaur—a treat-hungry, trouble-making dinosaur—nabbing delights from the kitchen table.
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A delicious game all about stealing snacks from your siblings! In Snack Attack, you play as a Nomnisaur—a treat-hungry, trouble-making dinosaur—nabbing delights from the kitchen table.
But beware! Lurking around every corner is another member of your frantic family looking to sabotage you!
From your siblings armed with terrible flavors like bitter coffee beans or sour lemon slices, to your mom making you share, and even the family pet making a mess of things, will you be able to nom to your heart's content?
Option d'achat
Acheter Snack Attack
chez Noble Knight Games
18,95 $US
15,00 USD
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