Small World Underground is a stand-alone game set beneath the surface of the same fun, light-hearted Small World universe of epic conquests and fallen empires. Featuring new Races and Special... (continuer à lire)
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Small World Underground is a stand-alone game set beneath the surface of the same fun, light-hearted Small World universe of epic conquests and fallen empires. Featuring new Races and Special Powers, it also introduces a new twist to the original game play, Monster-occupied regions that protect Relics and Places of great power! While more daunting to conquer, these bestow even greater powers to their owner.
Small World Underground can be played on its own or combined with other Small World game elements, as many of the Races and Special Powers from the original game and previous expansions are compatible.
Recommended for experienced Small World players, the game includes:
two double-Sided Game Boards
15 New Fantasy Races with matching banners & tokens
21 New Special Power badges
nine Popular Places and six Righteous Relics
106 Victory Coins
dozens of additional special tokens
five Player and one Game Turn Summary Sheets
a Reinforcement Die
Rules Booklet
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