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Skorpion is a two player abstract strategy board game.
The object of Skorpion is to play a piece in the center of the board.
The game is played by playing pieces on the board, connecting newly placed pieces to ones already on the board. To play a piece on a connected space that’s your own or the neutral color only requires one existing piece to be connected to it. Playing a piece on your opponent’s color requires that you have two pieces in play connected to that space.
Instead of playing a piece you may also move the Skorpion. The Skorpion and his tail (which is always in the previous spot the Skorpion occupied) not only blocks spaces but also will remove a piece from the board when it moves into it.
While the rules themselves are straightforward, the strategies unfold as you play and what may seem like imminent victory can swiftly change to defeat.
Option d'achat
Acheter Skorpion
chez Noble Knight Games
11,49 USD
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