The time has come to find the most powerful druid, that they may claim the throne!
Players will take on the role of druids who must prove their skills handling... (continuer à lire)
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The time has come to find the most powerful druid, that they may claim the throne!
Players will take on the role of druids who must prove their skills handling the powerful rune stones. Summon creatures by magic and benefit from their abilities, all in a search to gain precious gems. These gems must go to the talented dwarfs, who know how to use them to make artifacts. As their collection of artifacts grows, the druid‘s rune stones become more powerful. Each stone gives the druid a permanent ability (as well as power points). The abilities will aid in acquiring gems and artifacts, and the power points increase the player‘s chance of claiming the coveted throne.
The druid with the most power points at the end of the game ascends the throne and is the winner of the game.
Option d'achat
Acheter Rune Stones
chez Noble Knight Games
42,00 USD
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