The winner: The player with the most teeth remaining at the end of the game!
Teeth are lost through accidents and brawls. Buy some back at the end of the... (continuer à lire)
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The winner: The player with the most teeth remaining at the end of the game!
Teeth are lost through accidents and brawls. Buy some back at the end of the game if you have money or lose a tooth for every $100 you still Uncle Clem came collectin'!
A roll of 2 dice determines the grade you complete in school, which sets you up for one of 11 fabulous careers such as Monster Truck announcer or Taxidermist. Paydays are generally an opportunity to pay down your debt. Debt is incurred by buying vehicles and a home on credit. Perhaps a $500 TV, getting married, divorced, re-married, and having too many young'ens! You may fail at step parenting and be able to give your Darryls to another player.
Extra earning opportunities arise: • Part-time job shooting rats at the dump. Collect $20. • New business venture: Steal and sell wheelchairs. Collect $300.
Unexpected Expenses occur: • One of your TVs breaks. Buy a nice new TV. Pay $500. • Accidentally break industrial scale at feed store while weighing yourself. Pay $200 for repairs.
Revenge, Sweet Revenge ...
• Go in on a bass boat with any other player, You each pay $300. • You need more time to watch TV. You may divide all of your young'ens between the other players. • Steal and part out any other player's vehicle. Collect half its value. • Witness Protection Program: May trade homes with any other player.
Game Contents: • Game board 18" x 24" • 6 moving pieces • 2 dice • Billy Bob Bucks (money) • Check N' Scrams (debt) • 10 Home photo cards • 20 Vehicle cards • 100 Go Redneckin' Cards • Rules and Charts • Score Sheets
Option d'achat
Acheter Redneck Life
chez Noble Knight Games
26,99 USD
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