Praetor Promo Pack

The Promo Pack for Praetor acts as a mini expansion for the base game and contains 6 promo City Tiles, 2 promo Wall Tiles, a double sided player board and... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
Publié en
Passport Game Studios
0 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game et Passport Game Studios


The Promo Pack for Praetor acts as a mini expansion for the base game and contains 6 promo City Tiles, 2 promo Wall Tiles, a double sided player board and a few extra Gold tokens.

The promo City Tiles blend in perfectly in the universe of Praetor, offer an enhancement to the game play and lots of fun.

  • the Senate allows a player to take over the first player position for the next turn thus being in the pole position to build or activate the most attractive City Tile.
  • the Temple of Mars allows players to score Favor Points for each retired worker. Combine its ability with one of the expert sides of the player boards and you have a potentially lethal combo.
  • the Fort provides a mix of Favor Points, Gold and the infamous Morale - probably the most expensive and hard to obtain "resource" in the game.
    Last but not least, the promo player board offers two brand new expert sides, giving players opportunities to discover new strategies in the Praetor universe.

    Any promo component can be added to the base game separately or together with the rest.
  • Option d'achat

    Acheter Praetor Promo Pack
    chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

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    Catégories du jeu


    Maison d'édition

    Strategy Game