As kingdom architects, players will need to collect raw materials to construct various buildings, build walls to resist the invasion of northern barbarians, and use the king's reward properly to... (continuer à lire)
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As kingdom architects, players will need to collect raw materials to construct various buildings, build walls to resist the invasion of northern barbarians, and use the king's reward properly to speed up your progress. Try to be the player with the most honors (VP) at the game's end.
Players play a card to the kingdom area, place workers on the edge of the card to collect resources, and then may use resources to construct a building.
The game end is triggered when a player has built 6 buildings. Each player totals their honors (VP) from their Buildings, Walls, Donkey and Oracle Cards.
Option d'achat
Acheter Pocket Master Builder
chez Noble Knight Games
11,00 $US
10,00 USD
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