Coup & The Resistance: Plot Thickens Expansion, The

This is a bundle of the Plot Cards and the Sergeant and Rogue promos and a full set of Resistance/Spy cards and a full set of Mission (Success/Fail) cards.

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Temps de jeu
30 minutes
Publié en
Indie Boards & Cards
5 to 10 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Indie Boards & Cards, Card Game et Strategy Game
Coup & The Resistance: Plot Thickens Expansion, The preview image


This is a bundle of the Plot Cards and the Sergeant and Rogue promos and a full set of Resistance/Spy cards and a full set of Mission (Success/Fail) cards.

The Plot Cards add opportunities for the resistance players to gain information about their fellow conspirators. But in the hands of a crafty spy, the plot cards can be used to cause even more confusion and subterfuge.

The Rogue Agent module introduces both resistance and spy Rogue Agents. Rogues march to a different drum that have their own victory conditions and would rather win by themselves than see their side victorious. Rogues are the first players in The Resistance that have a unique victory condition and are very interesting play option.

The Sergeant is designated by the leader with ability to change mission results. A very tricky proposition and sure to have everyone second guessing when to use, and when to just threaten with this ability.

Please note, this is only the expansion. It requires The Resistance base game to play.

Option d'achat

Acheter Coup & The Resistance: Plot Thickens Expansion, The
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

10,95 USD
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