Photophantom - The Young Detective and the Shy Ghost
Tommy is a young detective who specialized himself in very peculiar cases.
Despite his age, he is not afraid to explore old abandoned castles, armed only with a camera, looking... (continuer à lire)
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Tommy is a young detective who specialized himself in very peculiar cases.
Despite his age, he is not afraid to explore old abandoned castles, armed only with a camera, looking for scary ghosts. However, Tommy is looking for a very shy ghost, which tries to deceive the young detective with tricks.
Will you help him?
Each round, a trick card is revealed. To score the card, players have to solve the trick. They compare the revealed card’s element with the upmost one on the trick card pile. The fastest player wins.
Option d'achat
Acheter Photophantom - The Young Detective and the Shy Ghost
chez Noble Knight Games
10,95 USD
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