Pass Play - Left Center Right (Tin) (2021 Edition)

PASSPLAY: THE GAME OF LEFT CENTER RIGHT is the addictive family dice game that’s fast-paced, fun-to-play, and now even easier to bring along! The dice and tokens store inside the... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
30 minutes
Publié en
Spin Master
3 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Spin Master et Dice Game
Pass Play - Left Center Right (Tin) (2021 Edition) preview image


PASSPLAY: THE GAME OF LEFT CENTER RIGHT is the addictive family dice game that’s fast-paced, fun-to-play, and now even easier to bring along! The dice and tokens store inside the portable tin container – bring it with you and you’ll always be ready to play. Starting with 3 tokens, each player takes turns rolling all 3 dice and then does what the dice say. Roll Left, Center, or Right, and pass a token in that direction. Roll a Dot, and you can keep what you’ve got – 3 Dots is the perfect roll. Out of tokens? You’re not out of the game – the player to your left or right might pass you a token. When one player has all the tokens, they win big! Throw the tin in your bag and bring some fun to your next vacation or get-together with family and friends.

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5,95 USD
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